Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oscar L'Elegante

It is not safe for felines to visit and spend a day snoozing in the sun on UK farm!

Look at what happened to this handsome feline OSCAR...

Yup, Oscar, the handsome black coat feline, got run over by a combine harvester and lost his two beautiful back paws. No digging through the litter box for him.

But thanks to Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick, who by the way gave Missy the Cat a new knee a few years ago, put two metal sticks in Oscar's legs to hold him up. I pray he does not get hit by lightening!

Way to go with the new L'Elegante look Oscar --- may the force be with you!

It's All About Meoww
Missy Sophia

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Good For Bubba

Poor Bubba...rather than spend his days wading in mud, he was shot dead in Africa, beheaded, stuffed and stuck up on a wall in Florida. Nothing good comes from Florida.

But justice has been served. Bubba decided he had enough and leaped off the wall bumping heads with ole Jimmy Harris. Knocked the bastard out and when he came to he was trapped under Bubba. He starting crying and called 911 for help.

Jimmy you are a cry baby.

Let's hear it for Bubba.

It's All About Meoww
Missy Sophia